Interface ModConfigSection

A section in the configuration UI that can contain other fields or sections.

interface ModConfigSection {
    children?: readonly ModConfigFieldOrSection[];
    defaultExpanded?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    id: string;
    name: string;
    type: "section";
    visible?: Binding<boolean>;


  • ModConfigBase
    • ModConfigSection


children?: readonly ModConfigFieldOrSection[]

The fields or sections that are contained within this section.

defaultExpanded?: boolean

Whether the section should be expanded by default.

description?: string

The description for the section that appears in a help tooltip.

id: string

The unique identifier of the configuration element.

name: string

The name of the section.

type: "section"

The type of the configuration element.

visible?: Binding<boolean>

Determines if the section is visible or not.